Sticks and Stones May Break One’s Bones

Or hurt one’s little whizzer!

Newt had another urinary obstruction. Another procedure to remove, then catheterized and transported to the 24 hour care facility for overnight observation and more IV fluids.

I tried desperately to remain as calm as I could with the reminder that many of his liver shunt cat friends have had repeated issues with urinary obstructions, and that this can be a normal part of the shunt game.

He is doing well. MUCH
better than he was on Monday and Tuesday. He’s eaten well, taken his meds, and is
resting comfortably. ER vet is cautiously optimistic they will pull the
cath around 8AM and he may be released Wednesday afternoon.

Am home for a quick nap and will be going back up with
his breakfast and snacks in a couple of hours. Just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has been so kind and concerned.  Will update more when I can, including his labs, full diagnostics including type of crystals, prognosis, new care protocols, etc.

But for now, need to sleep a bit.