Newt is on the verge of being symptomatic this AM. Refused his Ricotta breakfast and secondary chicken veggie meal.
Looks like tiny preliminary drool forming. Heavy purring.
Gave two servings of one Tablespoon Chicken with Lactulose, so he ate finally, yay. Now snoozing in window.
Changes in mentation are critical early warning indicators, especially in our shunt cats. Atypical behaviors (in Newt’s case, purring), changes in hair coat and texture, inappetance. With close observation to Newt’s early warning signs, we are usually able to intervene early, before the symptoms become full-fledged. He is now symptomatic approximately 10 hours every eight to ten weeks. Far far better than in his younger days, when he was symptomatic five days out of six.
Will monitor, and if symptoms persist, will direct dose with another two ml Lactulose, and syringe feed water.