If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It, Part 342

Well, well, well.

After much frustration, teeth gnashing, and whining (OMG, the WHINING), I finally closed my eyes and pushed the import button.

Once I FOUND it, that is.

I am stunned by the seemingly effortless transfer of what appears, at first glance, to have been a total import of all the posts, pics, comments, etc., of my little blog about our little liver shunt cat named Newt.

Long-time readers may remember my whining about “If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” over the years. I used to be quite the tumbleweed, happy to roll with the winds., Change came easily, and was welcomed with wild abandon.  Alas, age has brought a certain degree of caution, which has been compounded by additional layers of caution with ANYTHING to do with our little Spotted Schnookums. Not that I’m superstitious or anything, mind you (remind me to tell you about my recent Friday the 13th Full Moon Adventure).

But … if it’s working, don’t risk it! Something Might Happen …

Well, it appears something DID happen!  This whole import thing suddenly and mysteriously worked, after more than a month of wailing, whining, researching and complaining. Fingers crossed, and much cross-checking in process.  However, it appears that THIS change may be for the better. If the interface is faster and easier to use, well then perhaps the ongoing excuses of why it’s been such a challenge to blog may actually decrease, and posts may actually … dare I say, increase?!

I won’t hold my breath, but … we’ll see. 🙂