Creme Fraiche, Tofu and … Pickles?!?

Cat Daddy has long insisted that I eat stranger food combinations than anyone else he has ever met.  I prefer to think I am merely creative in my cuisine.  Oh perhaps it is merely my predilection for peanut butter. Or from reading too many stories where the characters ate such interesting things.

Peanut butter and mayonnaise, peanut butter and pickles – two quick and easy sandwich options.  And I was fully vindicated for my pretzel and ice cream fascination when he found me a commercial brand pretzel ice cream. See, I’m not the only one!

But I am afraid I may have sunk to a new low.

After buying Newt some tofu and creme fraiche in an attempt to entice him to eat something besides chicken of late, of course the little bugger wouldn’t touch it.  I blame Cat Daddy, totally.  He told the cats I was trying to feed them toefood.  Yuck!  Bad, Cat Daddy, bad, bad, bad! And I specifically scrambled the tofu in little chunks similar to the shape of his chicken pinches, along with chicken skin and goo so it would taste like chicken! Surprisingly, the other cats weren’t interested in it either. 

How humiliating.

But, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that Newt prefers Cat Daddy’s cooking over mine.  The question now is, what to do with this stuff? Since the dog has been having digestive issues, he’s on strict watch as far as what he is allowed to eat.  And I refuse to throw away perfectly good food, especially if it is expensive, boutique items purchased from the specialty organic market.

So, in keeping with my habit of eating Newt’s leftovers, (no, you silly thing, I do NOT eat leftovers from his bowl!), I tried to figure out what to do with the tofu.

I present to you, toast slathered with creme fraiche, a dollop of chicken-scrambled toefood, and topped with a slice of crunchy dill pickle. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Go ahead, try it. You know you wanna!