Knitting with Cat Hair

So I get home and discover Cat Daddy, while wearing Newt in the sling, dancing nekkid in the tulips  spinning cat hair, and knitting pajamas for the dog.

Sorry, I’m not a major corporation, able to pull off a grandiose April Fool’s Day (AFD) joke. This was the best attempt I could conjure, what with pulling an all nighter, and having no clue as to what types of foolish antics our liver shunt cats might play on us.  Unless you consider the 23 days of rapid-cycling with no apparent cause only to be seemingly be resolved as mysteriously as it appeared to be an early AFD joke.

Hmmmmm that’s as good an explanation as any!

Newt continues to do well.  He’s nestled in the Annex Box here beside me, after eating all his meals today, and then foraging and begging for morsels from our dinner. Yay!